Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (2024)

With all of the remarkable history behind tea, along with its worldwide cultural relevance and well-documented health benefits, is there a dark side to drinking it? Well, when it comes to darkening your smile, the answer is an unfortunate “Yes.” As a long-time consumer of green and herbal teas myself, and because I’ve also gradually added all types of tea to my life, I’ve had to get real about the impact on my teeth.

Black and green teas contain tannins and acid, and they will stain your teeth. White tea will stain much less. Some herbal teas (tisanes) such as Chamomile and Ginger will also stain teeth over time. Other herbal teas, such as Rooibos, Peppermint, and Yerba Mate tea stain very little.

Tea actually tops the list of beverages that stain teeth, along with red wine. Some teas are worse than others, but all of them have the potential to leave discolorations in varying shades.

As interesting evidence of this, some artisans use tea to color white fabrics, giving them an antiqued aesthetic. But before we all trade in our tea for artistic projects, let’s cover how to keep our tea habit while maintaining our pearly whites.

Why Does Tea Stain Teeth?

Tea leaves contain organic substances called tannins. These naturally occurring compounds build up on your teeth over time. Ultimately, tannins stick to the enamel of your teeth.

Tea also contains a high concentration of acid which softens the tooth enamel, allowing the tannins to more easily cling to your teeth and cause darker discoloration.

In addition, tea has more acid and tannins than coffee, so the staining can be worse for tea drinkers. The darker the color of the tea, the greater the risk of staining if you don’t take preventative measures.

How Much Tea Does it Take to Stain Teeth?

The frequency of drinking tea is what really causes stains on your teeth. It only takes a cup a day to dull bright white teeth slightly, but a daily regimen of 3 to 4 cups will speed up the process.

If you regularly consume just one cup of tea every day, it can cause light staining over time. If you drink tea all day long, you’re increasing the amount of acid and tannins that create the perfect environment for creating stains that will darken with every cup you drink.

You may not notice it for a while, but you can rest assured that it is happening. If the enamel of your teeth is consistently subjected to the softening agent found in tea, and the staining agent on top of that, it’s much like engaging in a slow coloration process that will get worse over time.

Does Black, White, or Green Tea Stain Teeth?

Some teas cause more staining than others, but it’s important to remember that regardless of the coloring of the tea, the acids and tannins that are found in most teas are the real culprits. Black, White, and Green Tea all stain teeth, but they do so to varying degrees.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (1)

Here is a breakdown of how each type affects the color of your teeth:

Black Tea

Black tea is the worst culprit for staining the teeth. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, let’s just say it’s “the perfect storm.” Specifically, black tea contains three components that set you up for a dingy looking smile over time:

  1. It’s high in acids
  2. It’s high in tannins
  3. The dark pigmentation that occurs naturally in black tea imparts a more concentrated dose of discoloration.

In time, the colors delivered by black tea staining are yellow and brownish hues. It happens slowly so it’s difficult to notice at first.

However, before you stop drinking black tea altogether, it’s important to realize the benefits that it offers you.

In moderate amounts, it’s actually healthy for your gums. Black tea contains compounds that help to fight two kinds of bacteria in your mouth that leads to gum disease and tooth decay. It’s also high in antioxidants that help to build your immune system and ward off cell deterioration, invasive bacteria and viruses.

If you enjoy drinking black tea, keep doing it because we have a few tips for dealing with the staining later.

Green Tea

The lighter color of green tea is better than the dark pigmentation of black tea, but it still causes staining.

Green tea leaves contain acids and tannins that set you up for the staining process. The most common effect from drinking green tea is a dull stain on your teeth that is more of a gray color. It can also stain your gums over time, but it’s not as swift as black tea.

The benefits of drinking green tea include protection from tooth decay and gum disease, and a load of healthy antioxidants.

White Tea

White Tea isn’t as damaging as black tea or green tea when it comes to staining teeth, but technically it can still cause a stain. However, the effect is so manageable and minimal that white tea often makes the list of teas that don’t stain your teeth.

The color is much lighter, so the lack of dark pigment is working in your favor. It does, however, still contain acids and tannins and this leads to discoloration to a lesser degree. These substances still soften the enamel of your porous teeth. White tea comes from the same plant that black and green tea is derived from, but the processing of the leaves is more minimal. This decreases the likelihood that it will stain your teeth.

As with the other traditional teas, keep drinking white tea because it’s loaded with substances that help you to prevent cavities and gum disease.

“Any drink with color, and organic compounds such as tannins and acids will potentially stain your teeth.”


Do Herbal Teas Stain Teeth?

Herbal teas can stain your teeth. Some are more likely to stain your teeth than others, and I have found a fair amount of disagreement about which herbals teas are the best and worst.

Having said that, the teas below have at least some risk of staining your teeth.

Ironically, you will also see a couple of these teas on the list below that claim they don’t stain teeth much at all.

The bottom line that any drink with color, and organic compounds such as tannins and acids will potentially stain your teeth.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (2)

Here are the herbal teas that will possibly stain your teeth:

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus Tea is healthy for your body. It’s good for controlling blood pressure without the side effects, but does it stain the teeth? Yes, it does. It’s an acidic drink that causes weakening of the enamel because of the pH value that is among the highest in any herbal tea. It can be erosive and discolor your teeth over time.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea has the same potential for staining teeth as green tea. It causes a dulling and a gray color over time. It’s worth continuing to drink this delicious beverage because it offers some great health benefits. Peppermint tea freshens the breath, combats harmful bacteria in the mouth and is known to relieve digestive discomfort.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea contains ingredients that set you up for tooth discoloration and has the same teeth-staining potential as peppermint or green teas. It’s one of the spicier teas with perhaps the longest list of health benefits. Ginger tea is made from a centuries-old herb, ginger root, that offers antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used since ancient times as a remedy for treating a host of health issues.

Rioobos Tea

This tea is technically considered a tisane instead of a tea. There aren’t many components found in Rioobos Tea that cause tooth staining. The small amounts of acids that occur aren’t likely to lead to much if any staining at all. When compared to other teas, if you want to avoid staining, this is one of the best options.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea is light colored but it does stain the teeth. Higher quality blends are less likely to cause deep staining, but frequent consumption will dull the color of your teeth over time. It contains the ingredients that lead to the development of stains. It also contains a load of healthy compounds that are known to help you relax and feel sleepy, improve immune and cardiovascular health, and improve your mood.

Which Teas Do Not Stain Teeth?

As I mentioned above, although most teas do offer the potential for staining teeth, some are less likely than others.

Even for the teas that have some teeth-staining history, there are options for making them work for you. For example, you’ll notice that both peppermint and green tea make the list of “safe” teas below. This is because the effects are manageable.

Rioobos Tea is the best tea to drink if you’re trying to avoid staining. The second best type of tea for keeping your teeth white is White Tea.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (3)

Five teas that will not stain your teeth are:

  • Rooibos Tea
  • White tea
  • Yerba Mate
  • Peppermint tea
  • Green tea mixed with milk

You may also want to read my article that specifically addresses these teas “5 Teas That Will Not Stain Your Teeth.”

Before you limit your options though, there are a few things that you can do to remove tea stains, and better yet, to prevent staining in the first place. Rejoice and read on.

Let’s cover 5 ways to prevent stains and 5 ways to whiten your teeth.

How to Prevent Tea Stains from Teeth

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The old saying is true in life…and with tea. Knowing how to prevent stains in the first place will allow you to keep enjoying a range of teas.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (4)

Here are 5 tips for preventing tea stains from developing:

Tip #1: Drink Tea Through a Straw

When you drink tea through a straw, you’re bypassing your teeth for the most part. This prevents some of the tannins and acids from collecting on your tooth enamel, and decreases the risk of staining. It’s a good practice when you don’t have a toothbrush handy.

Tip #2: Rinse after Drinking

After finishing a cup or glass of tea, simply rinse your mouth with water or even hydrogen peroxide. It removes some of the substances that lead to staining.

Tip #3: Brush and Floss Your Teeth Regularly

Ideally, you should brush your teeth after you drink tea. It’s the best way to remove the acid and tannin residues from the enamel. This can prevent tooth staining by preventing a buildup. Use dental floss to get into all of the crevices where stain-inducing substances can hide.

Tip #4: Use Whitening Mouthwash

Any mouthwash with whitening agents can help to prevent stains from darkening on the teeth.

Tip #5: Add a Splash of Milk

While this won’t eliminate the risk of stains, the proteins found in milk reduces and neutralizes the tannic acid so it does less damage.

“With awareness and prevention, you can still drink your favorite teas while maintaining a bright smile.”


How to Remove Tea Stains From the Teeth

If your teeth are already tea stained, there are some effective methods you can use to start whitening your teeth and removing those stains.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (5)

Here are 5 tips for preventing tea stains from developing:

Tip #1: Brush with Baking Soda

Baking soda can help to loosen stains on the teeth. It contains a mild abrasive that scrubs the teeth and gradually lightens tea stains.

Tip #2: Brush with Activated Charcoal

Similar to baking soda, activated charcoal has an abrasive action on the teeth and can help to absorb surface stains.

Tip #3: Eat Abrasive Foods

Foods that contain mild abrasives can work similarly to baking soda and activated charcoal. Ultimately, they can help to loosen stains over time. Abrasive foods include such healthy options as seeds and nuts, broccoli, and apples.

Tip #4: Use a Home Whitening Kit

You can also use tooth care products that contain mild bleaching ingredients. These work to remove tea stains but it’s a gradual process.

Tip #5: Use a Professional Whitening Service

If the tea stains on your teeth are stubborn, you may want to consult with a dental professional for whitening treatments. These are usually the safest and most effective way to remove tea stains from your teeth.

It’s true that teas and tisanes can stain your teeth. It’s also true that they all have terrific health benefits and a calming effect to your day. The good news is that with awareness and prevention, you can still drink your favorite teas while maintaining a bright smile.

Does Tea Stain Your Teeth? Plus 10 Whitening Tips | Tea Crossing (2024)


Does tea stain your teeth after whitening? ›

Conclusion: Following tooth whitening, patients should avoid drinks that cause tooth staining, particularly red wine, tea and cola.

Which teas do not stain teeth? ›

Herbal, green, and white teas are less likely to stain than black tea. 3. Cola. Acidic and chromogen-rich, cola can cause significant staining.

How do tea drinkers keep their teeth white? ›

Try drinking your iced tea/coffee through a straw to reduce stain risk. Also ensure you rinse your mouth and brush your teeth within 30 minutes of consumption. Utilise an electric toothbrush, if possible, as it can act as a more effective method against stains than a manual brush.

Which type of tea stains teeth the most? ›

Black teas and dark coffees are the biggest culprits when it comes to teas. In fact, some black teas can even cause more tooth discoloration than coffee!

How do you get rid of yellow teeth from tea? ›

To remove tea stains from teeth, floss and brush twice daily using smokers toothpaste or stain removal toothpaste – this is a temporary solution as the coarse paste could damage tooth enamel over time. Dental polishing treatments to remove tea stains before whitening are available.

Is tea stain permanent teeth? ›

Drinking tea can cause lasting discoloration, but it is possible to reduce staining by developing healthy oral care habits. At home, simple things such as brushing your teeth regularly can help. Brushing twice a day is good, but brushing immediately after you drink a cup of tea is even better.

What tea can I drink when whitening my teeth? ›

Herbal and green teas tend to have fewer staining compounds compared to black tea. Opt for these varieties to reduce the impact on your teeth.

Will my teeth get whiter if I stop drinking tea? ›

If I cut out tea and coffee from my diet completely, will this stop my teeth from darkening? It will certainly make your teeth less likely to become stained more quickly, but over time, we all naturally start to lose the dazzling whiteness of our teeth.

How to get whiter teeth naturally? ›

For your benefit, we've provided you with seven different ways to naturally whiten your teeth.
  1. Eat Strawberries. ...
  2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
  4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
  6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

What is the best tea stain remover for teeth? ›

Rident STAIN ERASER For Teeth For Removing Tea, Nicotine & Coffee Stains & More.

What is the best toothpaste for removing tea stains? ›

White Glo's exclusive Micro Wax Protective Shield Formula also helps to repel new stains from forming, leaving teeth whiter, shinier and glossier. White Glo Coffee and Tea Drinkers Formula toothpaste contains fluoride to help protect against tooth decay. Suitable for use with electric toothbrush.

How do coffee drinkers keep their teeth white? ›

By drinking beverages that stain through a straw, you prevent the liquid from ever making contact with your teeth. Add a little cream. Milk has a natural neutralizing effect on compounds that destroy tooth enamel. Brush or rinse immediately after drinking.

Is there a tea that doesn't stain teeth? ›

If you are an avid black tea drinker, try making a light brew to lessen the staining potential or add your favorite type of milk to make the tea lighter. You can also try drinking white tea or lighter green teas which cause little to no staining at all.

Are tea stains permanent? ›

Whether tea stains are on your clothes, upholstery, or carpet, they can be difficult to tackle. Fortunately, they can be easily removed with some urgency and the right stain removal solutions. Discover different methods you can use to lift the stains from a number of materials, including mugs, upholstery, and carpets.

Does baking soda whiten teeth? ›

Baking soda can be used with some water to remove the stains on the surface of the teeth. It can also be used with hydrogen peroxide to enhance its whitening effects. Baking soda can be used by individuals with regular toothpastes too. It is also used commercially in some teeth whitening products and toothpastes.

Can you drink tea 24 hours after teeth whitening? ›

After teeth whitening, it's recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything that could stain your teeth for at least 24 hours, for example, coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits like blueberries and blackberries.

What happens if I accidentally drink coffee after teeth whitening? ›

Coffee can also stain the teeth and lead to uneven whitening due to its acids. It's best to avoid or limit drinking coffee or other beverages high in caffeine after your teeth whitening treatment.

How long to avoid staining drinks after teeth whitening? ›

At-Home Whitening

Thus, it is best to avoid teeth-staining foods and drinks for two weeks in order to avoid stains. That's not all! Wait a couple of days after the two-week treatment before consuming anything that stains your teeth!


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.