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When your question is answered, it will be listed above.

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Please refresh and try again.'); } } function productQuestionsRecapcha(token) { $('#js-product-question-save-btn').css('visibility', 'hidden').attr('disabled', true); insertProductQuestion(); } function subscribeFormValidation() { var formError = false; const customerName = $('#customer_name'); const customerEmail = $('#customer_email'); var alertMessage = ''; if (customerName.val().replace(/ /i, "") === "") { alertMessage += 'Your name.\n'; formError = true; } if (/^[\w\d_-](\.?[\w\d_-])*@[\w\d_-]+\.([\w]{1,20}\.)?([\w]{1,20}\.)?[\w]{2,20}$/g.test(customerEmail.val()) === false) { alertMessage += 'A valid email address.'; formError = true; } if (true === formError) { alert('Please enter the following and try again: \n' + alertMessage); return false; } else { $('#js-subscribe-save-btn').css('visibility', 'hidden').attr('disabled', true); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaSubscribe); } } function submitSubscribeFormData() { var thisForm = $("#js-subscribe-form"); $.ajax({ url: thisForm.attr('action'), type: thisForm.attr('method'), data: thisForm.serialize(), dataType: "json", cache: false, error: function () { alert('The invisible reCAPTCHA failed, please try again.'); grecaptcha.reset(recaptchaSubscribe); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaSubscribe); }, success: function (response) { window.location.href = '/pages/subscribe-confirmation.html'; } }); } function subscribeRecapcha(token) { submitSubscribeFormData(); } var onloadCallback = function () { /* Attached to Request a Call Back Form */ if ($('#callBackRecapcha').length) { recaptchaCallBack = grecaptcha.render('callBackRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': callBackRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } /* Attached to Product Question Form */ if ($('#productQuestionsRecapcha').length) { recaptchaProductQuestion = grecaptcha.render('productQuestionsRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': productQuestionsRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } /* Attached to SPE Contact Form */ if ($('#contactFormSPERecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormSPE = grecaptcha.render('contactFormSPERecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormSPERecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#contactFormCSERecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormCSE = grecaptcha.render('contactFormCSERecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormCSERecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#contactFormFCRecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormFC = grecaptcha.render('contactFormFCRecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormFCRecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#subscribeRecapcha').length) { recaptchaSubscribe = grecaptcha.render('subscribeRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': subscribeRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } }; $(document).ready(function () { // Load recaptcha JS when a product question or callback request form element receives focus var captchaLoaded = false; $('.product-question__input, .call-back__input, .call-back__select, .js-sharing-input, .subscribe__input, .js-contact-form-input').on('focus', function () { // Only load JS once if (captchaLoaded) { return; } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var recaptchaScript = document.createElement('script'); recaptchaScript.type = 'text/javascript'; recaptchaScript.src = ''; recaptchaScript.defer = true; head.appendChild(recaptchaScript); captchaLoaded = true; }); $('#js-call-back-save-btn').click(function () { callBackValidation(); }); $('#js-product-question-save-btn').click(function () { productQuestionValidation(); }); $('#js-subscribe-save-btn').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); subscribeFormValidation(); }); // Contact Form submit detects $('#saveForm_SPE').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseOne', recaptchaContactFormSPE); }); $('#saveForm_CSE').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseTwo', recaptchaContactFormCSE); }); $('#saveForm_FC').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseThree', recaptchaContactFormFC); }); /* Set-up Category/Brand/Search price slider */ if ($('.js-range-slider').length) { $('head').append('

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Pam Building Products | Drainage Superstore (2024)


What is the minimum cover for ductile iron pipe? ›

A depth of cover that is less than 2.5 feet is generally not recommended due to the potential damage that can occur to the pipe, and/or the pavement above it.

Is ductile iron flexible or rigid? ›

Ductile iron pipe is a flexible conduit - Ductile means flexible! Because DI pipe is flexible, this means it is less likely to shear under stress from normal soil pressure or ground shifts that occur throughout the life cycle of your water system. Ductile iron is primarily made from recycled iron and steel scrap.

How deep can Ductile iron pipe be buried? ›

for Minimum Pressure Classes Ductile Iron Pipe ANSI/AWWA C151/A21. 51
Size (in.)Pressure ClassLaying Conditions Maximum Depth of Cover in Feet1
Type 5
12 more rows

What is the minimum bury depth for Ductile iron pipe? ›

Ductile iron pipe for working pressures higher than 350 psi is available. An allowance for a single H-20 truck with 1.5 impact factor is included for all sizes and all depths of cover. Minimum allowable depth of cover is 3'. For depths less than 3', consult AMERICAN.

What is the disadvantage of ductile iron pipe? ›

Cathodic corrosion is a serious problem with ductile iron pipe. Water, oxygen, metal, corrosive soil and other materials can cause iron pipe to corrode or rust. Corrosion will eventually cause iron pipes to decay, crack and develop holes, leading to leaks.

What is the maximum size of a DI pipe? ›

Ductile Iron Pipes are used for water and waste water transportation. Ductile pipes are available in the size range of DN 100 – DN 2200.

Is PVC or ductile iron cheaper? ›

Plastic pipes, like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), tend to be less expensive than established metallic pipe materials like ductile iron pipe (DIP). In 2017, Bluefield Research, an advisory firm focused on water, projected that up to 80% of municipal investment in water pipes over the next decade could go to plastic.

How much cover is required for pipe? ›

Minimum cover in traffic applications for pipe diameters from 4”- 48” (100-1200 mm) installed in traffic areas (AASHTO H-20, H-25, or HL-93 loads) must have at least 12" (300 mm) of cover over the pipe crown, while 54”- and 60” (1350 and 1500 mm) pipes must have at least 24” (600 mm) of cover.

Is code for Ductile iron pipe laying? ›

IS 12288: Code of Practice for Use and Laying of Ductile Iron Pipes.

What is the minimum drain pipe cover? ›

Pipe diameters from 4- through 48-inch (100-1200 mm) installed in traffic areas (AASHTO H-25 or HS-25 loads) must have at least one foot (0.3m) of cover over the pipe crown, while 54- and 60-inch (1350 and 1500 mm) pipes must have at least 24 inches (0.6m) of cover.

What is the minimum cover over drainage pipes? ›

Cut pipes should be chamfered correctly and rubber seals should be lubricated before rejoining. Drainage should be installed at a fall of 1 in 40. There should be a minimum of 300mm cover on top of any buried pipework.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.