The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (2024)

Hip flexors are muscles located in the thighs and are responsible for the movement of the lower body. They help us kick, bend, jump, walk, and of course, run! They also help stabilize our spine and pelvis along with our core and other muscles.

Our hip flexors can give us trouble from either using them too much or not using them enough, which is why our hip flexor stretches for runners are so important to include in your training program.

As most of us are seated at a desk for the majority of the day, this position can cause our hip flexors to tighten and shorten. On the other hand, bumping up our running volume too much too soon can result in the overuse of the hip flexors. Even poor posture can potentially cause hip flexor injuries.

Our hip flexor muscles tend to be overlooked, but they have been shown to improve running performance if well-taken care of.This guide will focus primarily on static hip flexor stretches for runners and give examples of hip flexor stretches to perform after each running workout and long run.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • What Are Hip Flexors?
  • How Can I Protect My Hip Flexors From Injury?
  • Tips For Stretching Properly
  • The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners
The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (1)

What are the hip flexor muscles?

As the name states quite clearly, your hip flexor muscle flexes your hips, bringing your knee upward toward your body. As you can see, this is a natural movement for walking and running.

The hip flexors are comprised of five muscles, including the sartorius, rectus femoris, pectineus, iliacus, and psoas.

The primary hip flexor muscles are the psoas, which originates in the lower spine vertebrae, and the iliacus, which originates in the pelvis. Both insert into the top of the femur. Collectively these two muscles are referred to as the iliopsoas and work together in hip flexion and stabilizing the trunk of your body.

How Can I Protect My Hip Flexors From Injury?

Hip flexor injuries are quite common in runners. However, we can take a variety of preventative measures, including adding hip flexor stretches for runners to our routine, to try and avoid these injuries at all costs while at the same time, work on improving our running performance.

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (2)

Dynamic Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners

Before your workouts and runs, add in some dynamic stretching exercises that focus on your hip flexors to properly warm up. Running on cold muscles is never a good idea.You just need about 5 minutes to perform a full set of dynamic stretching before your run.

Here are some suggestions for dynamic hip flexor stretches for runners:

  • High knees
  • Butt kicks
  • Skipping
  • Hurdles (Front to back and back to front)

Strength Training For Hip Flexors

To strengthen your hip flexors, add some of the following exercises to your strength training program. To be an all-around strong runner, two sessions of strength training per week that don’t interfere with your running sessions are ideal.

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (3)
  • Resistance band exercises: lateral leg lifts and clamshells
  • Jumping lunges
  • Single leg raises
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Single leg bridges
  • Donkey Kicks

Remember, staying strong is a package deal. Not only do you need to strengthen your hip flexors, but all surrounding and complementary muscles such as your hamstrings, abductors, adductors, core, and glutes!

Running Form

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (4)

Working on proper running form is also a great way to take care of your muscles. When running, ensure your body is aligned, keep your legs underneath you with each stride, keep your shoulders down and back, look straight ahead, relax your hands, and keep a short quick cadence.

For a more detailed account of your running form, check out our article: Proper Running Form: 8 Tips To Make It Look Effortless.

In addition to using good running form, warming up, and strengthening your hip flexors, stretching them out after your runs can also assist in your performance and, more importantly, lower your risk of injury.

Before we jump into the specific hip flexor stretches for runners, let’s look at the general rules for stretching your muscles out after a workout or run.

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (5)

Tips For Static Stretching

  • Hold each stretch between 45 – and 60 seconds to reap optimal benefits.
  • Try to relax your muscles while holding the stretch.
  • Breath deeply while you stretch. With each exhale, you can try to gently stretch the muscle a tad more.

Now that we know how to stretch correctly, let’s look at the following 8 hip flexor stretches that you can add to your post-run routine.

8 Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners

#1: Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (6)
  1. Start in a lunge position with your left leg in front of you at 90 degrees and your right knee on the ground directly underneath your body.
  2. Engage your core and keep your back straight. You can place your hands on your hips, your left knee out in front of you, or on the ground if you are flexible enough.
  3. Shift your body and your left knee forward, keeping your upper body straight.
  4. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

#2: Butterfly Hip Flexor Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (7)
  1. Sit in a crossed-legged with the soles of your feet lined up.
  2. Holding on to your ankles, let your knees fall toward the floor on either side of you. Most of us will not have this luck and need to use our elbows to gently push our knees toward the ground. Keep your back straight and core tight while doing so.
  3. Hinge at the hips, bend forward, and reach out your arms in front of you to deepen the stretch.
  4. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.

#3: Goblet Squat Hip Flexor Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (8)
  1. Stand tall with your feet a bit more than hip-width apart.
  2. Shift your toes pointing outward at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Bend at the knees and lower your hips toward the floor until you reach a 90-degree angle squat position, keeping your core tight.
  4. Use your elbows to slightly press against the inside of your things and push your knees outward.
  5. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.

#4: Standing Wide-Legged Hip Flexor Split Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (9)
  1. Stand tall with your feet more than hip-width apart.
  2. Hinge at the hips and bend forward, reaching toward the ground underneath you.
  3. Place your hands as close to the ground as possible. You may use a block to place your hands on if you can’t reach the ground.
  4. For a deeper stretch and someone with great flexibility, you can place your elbows on the ground for a deeper stretch.
  5. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.

#5: Reverse Pigeon Pose Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (10)
  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended out in front of you.
  2. Bend your knees and keep your feet at hip width.
  3. With a flexed right foot, place your right ankle just above your left knee, crossing them.
  4. Pull your left leg towards your chest gently.
  5. To deepen the stretch, use your hands clasped around your left leg to pull it toward you even more.
  6. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.
  7. Repeat on the other side.

#6: Pigeon PoseStretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (11)
  1. Start in the Downward Facing Dog pose (an upside-down V position).
  2. Bring your right knee forward, toward your right wrist, keeping your left leg straight behind you.
  3. Bend your right knee and gently lower your right glute to the ground
  4. Lower your torso over your right leg, stretching your arms out in front of you with your elbow slightly bent.
  5. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

#7: Standing Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (12)
  1. Stand tall with your feet at hip-width apart.
  2. Step forward with your right foot.
  3. Keeping both feet flat on the ground, drive your right knee slightly forward while simultaneously arching your torso ever so gently back.
  4. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

#8: Wide Split Seated Forward Bend Hip Flexor Stretch

The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (13)
  1. Sit tall and spread your legs into a split position. Everyone’s flexibility will vary significantly in this stretch, so find a position where you are comfortable and can still sit tall.
  2. Hinging at your hips, lean forward, stretch your arms out in front of you and reach.
  3. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.

There you have it! Eight of the best hip flexor stretches for runners out there to add to your post-workout routine.

Remember, your hip flexors aren’t the only muscles that need to be stretched out after a run. Also include your calves, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and any other muscles you may have used during your workout.Choose one or two stretches from each muscle group to ensure you include them all for a complete post-run stretching session.

To continue to add to your stretching library, you can take a look at our . . .

  • 9 Best Quad Stretches For Runners
  • The 10 Best Glute Stretches For Runners

If you are looking for a new running goal and need a training plan, here are some of our training plan resources:

Half Marathon



The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (14)
The 8 Best Hip Flexor Stretches For Runners (2024)


What is the most effective hip flexor stretch? ›

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Put your hands on your right knee and keep your back straight. Keeping your left knee pressed to the floor, lean forward into your right hip while squeezing the muscles in your left buttock. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

How to stretch hip flexor running? ›

Grab your good leg at the knee, and pull that knee back toward your chest. Relax your affected leg and let it hang down toward the floor until you feel a stretch in the upper thigh of your affected leg and hip. Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

How do you stretch hip flexors in runners world? ›

As pain allows, gradually and gently begin basic hip flexor stretching: kneel with one knee on the floor and the other leg out in front with your knee bent (sort of like a lunge, but with the back knee on the floor). Keeping your back straight, push your hips forward until you feel the stretch in the hip and thigh.

Do strong hip flexors help with running? ›

As a result, weak and/or tight hip flexors can impact your lower back, hip, and knee function (3). The hip flexors play a vital role in overall function of the lower body and are essential for walking and running (1). Hip [flexor] muscular strength is associated with optimizing running economy in endurance runners (4).

How do you loosen a tight hip flexor? ›

You can do this stretch daily to help loosen your hip flexor.
  1. Kneel on your right knee.
  2. Put your left foot on the floor with your left knee at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Drive your hip forward. ...
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat 2 to 5 times with each leg, trying to increase your stretch each time.
Apr 23, 2020

How do I stop my hip flexors from hurting when I run? ›

Decreasing your stride length, or increasing your cadence, prevents the excessive hip extension that was mentioned as a risk factor and thus offloads the labrum and hip joint as well. This increased cadence can result in better use of your muscles in shock absorption during the impact of running.

Can I still run with a hip flexor strain? ›

You shouldn't run, work out or do intense exercise while you're recovering from a hip flexor strain.

Can tight hip flexors cause runners knee? ›

Overdoing athletic movements that require only one or two ranges of motion for the hips, like bike riding or running, can also lead to muscle and soft tissue restrictions and subsequent hip immobility. This immobility or tightness of the hips is a major contributor of knee pain.

How do sprinters train hip flexors? ›

General Training
  • Psoas Sit-Up.
  • DUPA Walk.
  • Standing Knee Lift.
  • Supine Knee Drive.
  • Supine Knee Drive with Hip Extension.
  • Lying High Knee.
  • The Yessis Knee Drive.
  • Plyometric Knee Drive.

Should you stretch weak hip flexors? ›

Stretching as-well as strengthening exercises are often useful for the hip flexors. Some strengthening exercises include, psoas march (standing or supine), dead bug variations, seated hip flexion with torso perpendicular to outstretched legs and reverse lunges with sliders.

What cardio strengthens hip flexors? ›

Walking Lunges. A walking lunge (also known as a static split squat) builds strength throughout your hip flexors, as well as in the major muscles in your lower body, including your calves and quads. Depending on your hip mobility, you may also find that this exercise helps stretch your hip flexors.

Does walking loosen hip flexors? ›

To keep your hip flexors supple, make sure to get up and move more throughout the day. “I recommend changing position every 30 to 45 minutes—or even sooner if needed—to avoid tightness,” says Kimberly Baptiste-Mbadiwe, a physical therapist at HSS. “Stand up, walk around, or perform a quick stretch, if necessary.”

How often should runners do hip exercises? ›

I often give runners a two-week challenge to improve their hip stability when they have sub-par scores on testing. After two weeks, the frequency of completing these exercises can often reduce to three to four times per week, providing appropriate scores are achieved at the time of retesting.

What is the fastest way to heal a hip flexor strain? ›

Follow these steps for the first few days or weeks after your injury:
  1. Rest. Stop any activity that causes pain.
  2. Gentle stretching to extend your hip can help with recovery.
  3. Ice the area for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days. Do not apply ice directly to your skin. Wrap the ice in a clean cloth first.

Should I stretch my hip flexor if it hurts? ›

Gentle stretching exercises can help reduce hip flexor muscle tension as well as reduce the likelihood for future injury. Try these hip flexor stretches, but make sure you don't push too hard — these stretches should be gentle.

How to loosen hip flexors and psoas? ›

This move will stretch and lengthen the psoas and iliacus (known as the iliopsoas) muscles:
  1. Begin by kneeling on the floor. ...
  2. Place your hands on your hips or your right thigh and, while keeping your back straight, shift your hips forward until you feel a stretch. ...
  3. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.

How to pop a hip flexor? ›

Butterfly stretches
  1. Sit up straight with your buttocks firmly touching the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and place the bottoms of your feet together so that your heels touch.
  3. Take a deep breath in to center your stretch.
  4. Gently press your knees down on both sides toward the floor and breathe out. You may hear your hip pop.
Aug 21, 2018


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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.