Virgo Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for the Week (2024)

Aug 19 - 25Aug 26 - 01Sep 02 - 08Sep 09 - 15Sep 16 - 22

Weekly Horoscope for the week of August 26

It is obvious that this meeting of planets constitutes an excellent omen for your personal development! Crossed by Mercury and Jupiter, your astral sky indicates that this week of August 26 to 1 September should bring you that special touch that is essential to the progress of your life project.

Although life has not always smiled on you, things should turn out differently in the next few days, especially from an emotional point of view.

The passage of Saturn nevertheless encourages you not to put the cart before the horse and to be patient. Your greatest success will only come with time. In the meantime, make the most of your small victories.

When it comes to love, this week of August 26 to 1 September you and your partner should be in perfect agreement. You'll enjoy spending time with them whatever you are doing, no matter how new or how routine. If you are single, your chances of meeting someone special will be excellent. Now would be the time to get out and about!

At work, your managers will be very happy with your efficiency and your commitment. Your efforts will also be noticed. Your career seems to be advancing as planned.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for the Week (1)

A week under the influence of Jupiter

You have nothing to fear from this week of August 26 to 1 September, since its influence will help you get fully involved in the projects that are important to you. In the coming days, you will be particularly welcoming to novelty and progress.

The presence of Saturn in the Virgo astral sky is a testament to your desire to build a life that truly resembles you and indicates the resources you need will be available in the near future. The astral situation suggests that your patience, your determination and your keen intelligence are among your most useful qualities.

As Jupiter indicates, your lucky star will also watch over you. Coupled with the support of your loved ones, this influence will be a big help towards obtaining your most deeply seated desires.

Important days during this week


Your best day for Love:Thursday, August 29

In love, the astral climate for Virgos promises a metamorphosis in your habits. If you are in a relationship, you need to open up to the world around you. It's no longer enough for you to just be with your partner all the time. You need interaction with the outside world, otherwise your relationship will suffocate sooner or later. Go out with friends or do some exercise on your own or with a group but diversify your activities.

Your couple is like a plant, it needs oxygen! If you are single, you have dreamed of a soul mate for a long time, and today it could be that your dreams come true. So, pay attention to any signs the Universe sends you and follow them. There might be a twist you weren't expecting.

Your best day for Finance:Monday, August 26

Saturn undoubtedly encourages you to show courage, self-sacrifice and thoroughness with your money. While you will never be able to dictate your salary, you can still manage your finances more strategically.

If possible, try to cut down on unnecessary spending by focusing on the essentials. Your room for maneuver will quickly improve.

Your best day for Work:Sunday, September 01

The astral climate for Virgos at work allows you to regain a confidence and serenity that you seemed to have lost. With Jupiter in your sky, nothing can undermine your inner peace and you stop struggling with the bad atmosphere at the office. You know things will change naturally and let the bad mouthers dig their own graves.

You know that you are a useful employee of your company and that the treacherous maneuvers of your colleagues will quickly backfire. You can thank Saturn for getting everyone back on track!

Your week of August 26 in detail

Monday, August 26

The meeting of Saturn and Pluto in the Virgo astral sky risks being explosive. Although the first of these planets emphasizes the virtues of patience and thinking about the future, the second advocates the benefits of action. In this battle of opposites, it's hard to know who will have the last word.

In this particular astral context, you will easily understand that this August 26 will probably cause you considerable torment and that why you are doing what you are doing will perhaps not be obvious to everyone. So be careful not to create too many waves within your relationship and to clearly express your difficulties to your partner.

They will be more supportive of you if they are able to understand what is going through your mind. Otherwise, you can expect an argument, or at the very least dissatisfaction. Adopt the same logic in your professional life.

Tuesday, August 27

This August 27, Virgos will undoubtedly experience some action. The presence of Mars, Uranus and Pluto is, of course, at the origin of the events that will mark your day. On the heart side, it's still possible to save your couple if you are willing to put in the effort that's needed to make it work.

You have an exceptional chance to be able to fix your nonsense so don't waste this opportunity. If you are a single Virgo, it's time to do something different and meet new people. Only then will you increase the chances of meeting someone special.

Professionally, nothing can stop you. Neither obstacles, distance, nor gossip will get the better of you today. You give yourself the means to succeed and you are right to believe in it. In addition, your finances are doing well. You are spoiled for choice as to how to spend your money!

Wednesday, August 28

If there's one piece of advice you should take this August 28, it's not to make hasty decisions. Ruled by Neptune and Uranus, your astral conjunction testifies both to your deep attachment to your values and your ideals, and also to your propensity to act under the influence of emotion.

If you don't take the trouble to really think about the possible consequences of your actions, you will undoubtedly cause yourself big problems. The presence of Venus in your astral sky indicates that it is in your emotional and relational life that the chances of going wrong are greatest.

While your need for development is completely understandable it's my job to warn you against giving in to your impulsiveness today. After all, the best decisions are those that come after mature thought.

Thursday, August 29

I'm sure you've already seen leaf blowers in action. Well, thanks to the presence of Mars, Neptune and Pluto it looks like Virgos are going to take one to their bad habits today. You will sweep away everything that is no longer useful in your life. In your love life, you understand that you need some time to breathe, on your own.

Your relationship will be better if you're not joined at the hip every moment you're together. For singles, it's time to put your logic in the closet and trust your intuition a little more. If you follow it, you will most certainly have a nice surprise before the end of the day.

Professionally, have you ever been told that you are stubborn? No doubt more than once but it doesn't matter, this Thursday, you are only going to do what you want to do, even if it triggers your boss' fury. “Do I look bothered?” you might say!

Friday, August 30

Are you a fan of stability and feel at home in the comfort of your routine? Watch out, on this August 30, the virtues of change will be in the spotlight. Crossed by Venus, Uranus and Pluto, the Virgo astral sky clearly testifies to your desire for renewal and moving forward, but also to your somewhat too marked impulsiveness.

In this particular context, it is difficult to know whether the decisions you are about to make will be beneficial or harmful to your development. But as it is better to be prepared for every eventuality you should know that it's in your emotional life, and particularly your relational sphere, that your behavior will be the most unpredictable.

If you don't want find yourself regretting things said and decisions made today, it may be a question of agreeing to tone it down a little and soften the edges. Patience is a quality.

Saturday, August 31

This August 31 day invites Virgos to trust life, which always knows how to guide them on the right path. You're in luck today, Jupiter and Uranus bring you good news. Saturn won't have too big an influence on this Saturday, so you won't experience big blockages in your daily life.

In love, couples are more united than ever when facing any difficulties that come along. If you are single, you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and understand that your case is not so hopeless. So you accept things as they are for the moment, and decide not to force things because you understand that your time of happiness will come, sooner or later.

Professionally, you face an unexpected move that will prove fruitful in many ways. On the financial side, you can loosen the purse strings a little because everyone has the right to indulge themselves from time to time.

Sunday, September 01

With Jupiter here to bring you great opportunities, Virgos can expect to have a relatively satisfying day. The planet Saturn is present to counter Neptune and prevent you from wandering down side roads that would waste your time and money.

Emotionally, you know where you are going and what you want. If you are in a relationship, there's absolutely no question of getting back together with an ex. And if you are single, you prefer to take your time and meet someone who is really right for you. You are tired of getting involved in affairs that don't lead to anything solid.

On the work side, an unexpected offer comes up and all you have to do is grasp it in order to completely change the direction of your career. In terms of finances, the stars are there to help keep you steady and stop you leaking money all over the place.

Moon calendar

Balsamic Moon

July 29 - August 1

Do you feel ready to start a new lunar cycle? To prepare for it you need to give yourself a little respite and take stock of everything that has happened recently. No need to rush!

New Moon

August 2 - August 4

Good news! The new moon is back! So the time seems particularly propitious for action and new ventures. However, despite your natural enthusiasm, be careful not to put the cart before the horse! Envisioning your future always requires a little self-restraint.

Waxing crescent

August 5 - August 6

It is time to move forward and devote yourself fully to this project that means so much to you. Thanks to the waxing crescent moon, you should be able to push your worries to one side and do something concrete. Your energy will be remarkable in every way. Be careful not to make your loved ones jealous!

First quarter

August 7 - August 11

During this first quarter moon, don't be surprised if you feel more unsure and apprehensive than usual. The good news? Your strength of character means you'll quickly regain the upper hand!

Waxing gibbous

August 12 - August 13

The waxing gibbous moon invites you to continue tranquilly along the path you have chosen. Patience, perseverance and strength of character will be on the program for the next few days. But you are able to get through this with your eyes shut!

Full moon

August 14 - August 19

In astrology, the full moon is the climax of the lunar cycle. Under its influence, you'll enjoy analyzing every aspect of your life, the good and the bad. You know you have the resources to make a difference.

Waning gibbous

August 20

The waning gibbous moon is a period for relaxation. In the next few days, try to recharge your batteries after the particularly intense days you have recently lived through with no small success. Good things come to those who wait.

Third Quarter

August 21 - August 27

Here comes the third quarter of the moon, which clearly indicates that a cycle is about to end. This is the perfect opportunity to think about new projects and any aspects of your life that you think need improving. After all, life is all about change. And you know it!

Balsamic Moon

August 28 - September 2

The arrival of the waning crescent moon could mean you feel very tired. If you haven't recently run a marathon, it could just mean that a new cycle is about to begin!

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Virgo Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for the Week (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.